The BSB50120 Diploma of Business is part of Australia’s national Vocational Education and Training sector which is part of the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF).

The QTS BSB50120 Diploma of Business offers the opportunity to experience an international higher education program in Vietnam, helps high school and first year university students to gain an Australian qualification, and enables them to transfer to the second year, third year of prestigious universities in Australia, USA, Canada, NewZealand, switzerland with tuition savings and career advancement.

Lộ trình học BSB50120 Diploma of Business
Explore the QTS BSB50120 Diploma of business brochure


Bang cap chuan quoc te

Transfer ticket to the 2nd or 3rd year of top international universities

The QTS BSB50120 Diploma of Business provides the equivalent of a first year program at an Australian university. The QTS BSB50120 Diploma of Business can replace a high school diploma and allows students to quickly and easily transfer to 30+ partner universities of QTS Australia in Vietnam, Australia and internationally.

Giam nhe dieu kien

Solution to mitigate input conditions, improve output quality

Vietnamese students can start studying the QTS BSB50120 Diploma of Business program at the age of 16 and be ready to enter the second year or the third year of international and foreign universities at the age of 17, complete the program and receive an international Bachelor’s degree in the next 2 years

Tiet kiem tai chinh

Australian standard program in Vietnam with promotion tuition fee

QTS BSB50120 Diploma of Business’ students can enjoy an Australian standard education right in Vietnam at the most economical cost thanks to the policy of tuition promotion and scholarships at QTS Australia. Save up to 50% on study abroad costs.

phương pháp học toàn cầu

International study preparation and free study abroad assistance

In addition to learning knowledge, students also hone their international student-standard skills before studying abroad. In particular, students will be supported with scholarship applications as well as free study abroad counseling from QTS Australia and its companion partners.

Co hoi nghe nghiep 2

Opportunity to receive two valuable academic scholarships

Students have the opportunity to receive scholarships up to 100% of the tuition fee for the QTS BSB50120 Diploma of Business program from Australian Professors and high-value scholarships from more than 30 partner universities exclusively for QTS Australia students.

Lo trinh hoc 5

Efficient study abroad experience, saving time and costs

The pathway to study abroad through the QTS BSB50120 Diploma of Business program allows students to study flexibly, anytime, anywhere, actively building a study plan. Hard-working students can study and complete the program early.


QTS Diploma of Business 01


Studying a secure and flexible online QTS BSB50120 Diploma of Business program in Vietnam for an average of 12-24 months (maximum 24 months).

  • Learn before the first year of international university.
  • Opportunity to receive scholarships from Australian professors, up to 100% tuition fee reduction for BSB50120 Diploma of Business program. Received a BSB50120 Diploma of Business from the Australian Department of Education
QTS Diploma partner


Transfer to an international university in Vietnam or study abroad and graduate in 2 years

  • Directly transfer to 2nd or 3rd year of Bachelor’s degree at 30+ international universities in Vietnam, Australia, USA, Switzerland, Canada and other English-speaking countries.
  • The opportunity to exempt or reduce up to 8 subjects, saving up to 1/3 of the time and cost of studying abroad.
  • Opportunity to receive valuable scholarships from international universities for the remaining 2 years of study.
  • Receive an international bachelor’s degree after completing the program at the university.


Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)

AQF is the policy for regulated qualifications in the Australian education and training system including 10 levels in which the first four levels are Certificates.

sub1 5
  • Diploma (AQF Level 5, 1-2 years)
  • Advanced Diploma (AQF Level 6, 1-2 years)
  • Graduate Diploma (AQF Level 8, 6 months to 1 year)
  • Bachelor’s degree (AQF Level 7)
  • Master’s Degree (AQF Level 9, including Coursework, Extended or Research)
  • Doctoral Degree (AQF Level 10, 3 – 4 years)

QTS BSB50120 Diploma of Business program is the AQF Level 5.

Course Name

BSB50120 Diploma of Business


These courses are self-paced. How long your course will take depends on a number of factors. Included are your own efforts and commitment to submitting assessments regularly and on time, your study load and how many units. The average course completion time is from 12 months to 24 months (maximum 24 months).

Course Commencement

For information about our next commencement, please contact us.

Tuition fee

Contact us for information regarding tuition fees


The BSB50120 Diploma of Business is delivered by QTS Education Solutions Pty Ltd, trading as Quality Training Solutions
RTO ID: 40474


AQF Colour Logo for website 1145x600Bộ kỹ năng và nghề nghiệp ASQANationally Recognized Training - LASA National

This is an Australian standard program, authorized to be delivered by the Australian Education Organization – QTS (QTS Education Solutions Pty Ltd, trading as Quality Training Solutions, RTO ID: 40474)


Case studies, Short answer questions, Role plays, Reports, Projects.

Course provider

logo qts australia

QTS Education Solutions Pty Ltd, trading as Quality Training Solutions RTO ID: 40474 will deliver the BSB50120 Diploma of Business


Students enrolled within the BSB50120 Diploma of Business are required to complete assessments to demonstrate competency.
Competency based assessment focuses on students ability to perform the required assessment tasks to the standard expected within the workplace.
Competency based assessment does not use a marking scale rather the student is deemed competent or not yet competent.
Assessments Undertaken within the Diploma of Business include:

• Short answer questions
• Projects
• Case studies/scenarios
• Role plays
• Reports
• Projects
• Work Samples
• Knowledge/Theory-based answer questions
• Presenting/Demonstrating idea, thinking and understanding
• Writing paragraphs
• Writing reports
• Doing projects
• Case studies
• Role plays
• Scenarios
• Practical activities
• Collaborating, problem solving and time management
• Reflections

Learning Method

Online Learning: Students will have a high quality learning system that consits of learning lessons, materials and assignments. All direct training is conducted by qualified Australian trainers via our conferencing systems and technology platforms.

Blended Learning: Students receive individual support from Quality Training Solutions Australian trainers through web conferencing software. Additionally, QTS Learning Department and 24/7 support are readily available throughout the learning process.

➢ Learners are required to complete 12/18 Units to receive BSB50120 Diploma of Business which allows them to enter most Australian universities with course credit waivers.
➢ Assessments will be marked and guided by the professors in Australia.


– BSBCRT511: Develop critical thinking in others

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop critical and creative thinking skills in others within a workplace context.

Elements – Essential Outcomes
▪ Assess individual and team critical and creative thinking skills
▪ Establish an environment that encourages the application of critical and creative thinking
▪ Monitor and improve thinking practices

– BSBFIN501: Manage budgets and financial plans

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to undertake financial
management in an organisation or work area. It includes planning and implementing financial management approaches and supporting and evaluating effectiveness of financial management processes.

Elements – Essential Outcomes
▪ Plan financial management approaches
▪ Implement and monitor financial management plans
▪ Review and evaluate financial management plans

– BSBOPS501: Manage business resources

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage resources according to planned business strategies. It includes analysing resource requirements, developing resource plans, allocating resources, and reviewing and reporting on resource usage.

Elements – Essential Outcomes
▪ Analyse resource requirements
▪ Develop resource plans
▪ Allocate resources
▪ Review and report on resource usage

– BSBSUS511: Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop and implement
workplace sustainability policies and to modify the policy to suit changed circumstances. ‘Sustainability’ in this unit refers to a broad approach that focuses on the minimisation of an organisation’s social, economic and environmental impact, as well as proactive value creation in these areas.

Elements – Essential Outcomes
▪ Prepare workplace sustainability policies
▪ Implement workplace sustainability policies
▪ Review implementation of workplace sustainability policies

– BSBXCM501: Lead communication in the workplace

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lead communication in the workplace within any industry.

Elements – Essential Outcomes
▪ Establish communication protocols
▪ Coordinate effective communication
▪ Present and negotiate persuasively
▪ Review communication practices



– BSBHRM525: Manage recruitment and onboarding

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage all aspects of
recruitment and onboarding processes according to organisational policies and

Elements – Essential Outcomes
▪ Develop recruitment and onboarding policies and procedures
▪ Manage recruitment process
▪ Manage staff onboarding

– BSBTWK503: Manage meetings

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage a range of meetings including overseeing the meeting preparation processes, chairing meetings, organising the minutes and reporting meeting outcomes.

Elements – Essential Outcomes
▪ Prepare for meetings
▪ Conduct meetings
▪ Follow up meetings

– BSBOPS503: Develop administrative systems

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to plan for or review the
requirements of administrative systems and procedures for implementing, monitoring and reviewing the system.

Elements – Essential Outcomes
▪ Plan administrative system
▪ Implement administrative system
▪ Monitor administrative system

– BSBPMG430: Undertake project work

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to undertake a minor project or a section of a larger project. It covers developing a project plan, administering and monitoring the project, finalising the project and reviewing the project to identify lessons learned for application to future projects.

Elements – Essential Outcomes
▪ Establish project parameters
▪ Develop project plan
▪ Administer and monitor project
▪ Finalise and review project

– BSBOPS504: Manage business risk

This unit describes skills and knowledge required to manage business risks in a range of contexts across an organisation or for a specific business unit or area in any industry setting.

Elements – Essential Outcomes
▪ Establish risk context
▪ Identify risks
▪ Analyse risks
▪ Select and implement treatments

– BSBOPS502: Manage business operational plans

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop and monitor the
implementation of operational plans to support efficient and effective workplace
practices and organisational productivity and profitability.

Elements – Essential Outcomes
▪ Establish operational plan
▪ Manage resource acquisition
▪ Monitor and review operational performance


– BSBPEF501: Manage personal and professional development

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to implement systems and process that support the personal and professional development of self and others.

Elements – Essential Outcomes
▪ Manage work goal development
▪ Facilitate achievement of work priorities
▪ Develop and maintain professional competence

– BSBLDR522: Manage people performance

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage the performance of staff that are direct reports.

Elements – Essential Outcomes
▪ Allocate work
▪ Assess performance
▪ Provide feedback
▪ Manage follow up


– BSBSTR501: Establish innovative work environments

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to create an environment that
enables and supports practice which focuses on a holistic approach to the integration of innovation across all areas of work practice.

Elements – Essential Outcomes
▪ Establish work practices
▪ Create an innovative environment
▪ Implement innovative work environment
▪ Share and evaluate innovative ideas and work environment


– BSBMKG541: Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify, evaluate and take advantage of marketing opportunities by analysing market data, distinguishing characteristics of possible markets and assessing viability of changes to operations.

Elements – Essential Outcomes
▪ Explore marketing opportunities
▪ Evaluate marketing opportunities
▪ Evaluate required changes to current operations

– BSBOPS505: Manage organisational customer service

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop strategies to manage organisational systems that ensure products and services are delivered and maintained to standards agreed by the organisation.

Elements – Essential Outcomes
▪ Establish customer requirements
▪ Deliver quality products and services
▪ Evaluate customer service


– BSBTEC404: Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to understand the fundamentals of using digital technologies to collaborate in a workplace context, including working as part of a remote team. It involves undertaking a basic review of organisational processes to identify opportunities for using digital technologies to complete work tasks more efficiently and effectively.

Elements – Essential Outcomes
▪ Review existing digital technology use in the business
▪ Identify opportunities to implement digital technologies for workplace
▪ Implement and use digital technologies to collaborate in the workplace

– BSBTEC601: Review organisational digital strategy

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to review an organisations digital trategy and assess whether it is fulfilling its objectives according to relevant performance indicators.

Elements – Essential Outcomes
▪ Develop plan for review of digital strategy
▪ Collect review information
▪ Analyse the collected information
▪ Determine review findings and outcomes
▪ Document and distribute outcomes and recommendations of review

Language proficiency

English IELTS 5.5 or equivalent, and have completed the entrance examination of the BSB50120 Diploma of Business


From 16 years old

Necessary equipment

Computer, Laptop, Tablet



100% QTS Professors’ Scholarship for Excellence

  • Excellent Candidate
  • GPA Above 9.5 or equivalent
  • IELTS 7.0+ or equivalent
  • Previous awards, achievement, contributions
  • Demonstrate excellence and professional in international mindset, knowledge, and skills, study plan, future plan. Strong in both real-life activity and academic ability

70% Future Business Leader Scholarship

  • Outstanding Candidates
  • GPA Above 9.0 or equivalent
  • IELTS 6.5+ or equivalent
  • Previous awards, achievement, contributions
  • Demonstrate high interest in business major, young future leader and interest into QTS Uni partners


  • Super Strong Candidates
  • GPA 8.7 or equivalent
  • IELTS 6.0+ or equivalent
  • Previous awards, achievement, contributions


  • Strong Candidates
  • GPA 8.5 or equivalent
  • IELTS 6.0+ or equivalent
  • None GAP, distinction students for Diploma, hard-working and confident to complete with the program

10% -20%

  • Good Candidates
  • Referenced by Agency Partners/School Principals
  • None concerned for GPA, GAP, Background
  • Finance support to Family
Hoc vien tot nghiep BSB50120 Diploma of Business


Leave your information now to receive the complete list of 30+ partner schools of QTS Australia and get instant advice on the streamlined study abroad route.

Address: QTS Australia Building – Diamond Campus, 68 Bat Nan, Binh Trung Tay Ward, District 2, HCMC

Phone: 0283 404 505



    Trần Gia Hân rạng rỡ trong thời khắc tốt nghiệp chương trình QTS Diploma.

    University of Adelaide Undergraduate Student | Graduated from QTS BSB50120 Diploma of Business 2022

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    University of Canberra Undergraduate Student | Graduated from QTS BSB50120 Diploma of Business 2022

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    La Trobe University Undergraduate Student | Graduated from QTS BSB50120 Diploma of Business 2022

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    RMIT Undergraduate Student | Graduated from QTS BSB50120 Diploma of Business 2021

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    RMIT University Undergraduate Student | Graduated from QTS BSB50120 Diploma of Business 2022

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    Seneca College Undergraduate Student | Graduated from QTS BSB50120 Diploma of Business 2022